Verruca Pen

Verruca Pen

The Verruca Pen PE II® delivers a concentrated dose of plasma via a sterile micro-probe and triggers an inflammatory response, that effectively sublimates the epidermis tissue. It’s a completely safe verrucae session that cauterises and causes minimal damage to surrounding tissue. This service offers your clients comfortable and beautiful feet – and it’s virtually painless!

Take a look at our directory of local podiatrists and health care practitioners across the UK, that are trained and offering this innovative treatment in their clinics.

Innovative Technology
Purchase Includes Training
Pain Free Treatment

About the Verruca Pen

  • Available to both podiatrists and foot health practitioners
  • Guaranteed 100% British made
  • Completely cordless device
  • UK based service team and technical support
  • Excellent return on investment
  • Purchase includes training, starter kit and full ongoing support

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Verruca Pen PEII® Case Study

2021 Case Study was Produced and Written by:

Debbie Delves MSc FCPodM FCPM FFPM RCPS(Glas)
Clinical Director at Dulwich Podiatry

Paul Savage BSc, MCPod
Clinical Director at North East Podiatry, Paul Savage Associates

The Science

  • Designed in accordance with safety standards IEC60601-1, ES60601-1 and Low Voltage Directive
  • Utilising the latest plasma technology
  • A pain-free alternative to traditional verruca removal
Veruca Pen VPPE 2

How Does The Verruca Pen Work?

The Verruca Pen uses plasma technology, to minimise and eliminate verrucae and warts. This means that the Verruca Pen creates energy which ionises atmospheric gases upon contact, creating high energy plasma. This plasma is then delivered in a concentrated arc using a sterile microprobe. The delivery of the concentrated plasma onto the skin destroys the affected epidermal tissue by heating, fragmentation and vapourisation causing trauma to the skin cells and stimulating the body’s immune response.

Unlike other alternative verrucae treatments (like Salicylic Acid and Silver Nitrate) the plasma technology of the Verruca Pen allows for extreme precision, ensuring that only the verrucae tissue is sublimated, leaving any uninvolved tissue unaffected and not causing any side effects. This is particularly effective when working on mosaic verrucae.

One of the best things about plasma technology as an alternative verrucae treatment is that it is virtually pain free. The ergonomic design of the Verruca Pen is comfortable to hold, conveniently cordless, and perhaps most importantly not intimidating or invasive to patients (especially important when treating children). With the precision of the microprobe the verrucae can be targeted and removed with only a minimal amount of discomfort reported by some patients, as the problem area becomes more tender with the disappearance of the verrucae or wart.

Treating verrucae and warts with the Verruca Pen is also a cost effective option, that doesn’t require patients to visit the clinic too regularly. Patients undergoing treatment with our verrucae removal pen only need to return to the clinic once a month (depending on the severity of the case). There is also usually no need at all for dressings after the Verruca Pen treatment. The verrucae treatment pen will automatically cauterise any bleeds, and there is no need to keep the area away from water or under any other special conditions, which can be a convenient and attractive benefit for patients.

Training Included

Purchase of our Verruca Pen includes full training.

Pain Free

More pain-free than traditional verrucae treatment methods, suitable for both adults and children.

The Future Is Now

Land on your feet with the VPPE II – the latest and greatest in plasma technology.

Verruca Pen Products


Plasma is the fourth state of matter. After solid, liquid and gas, comes plasma. It is created when an electrical energy is applied to gas and it ionizes to become high energy plasma. In the case of the Verruca Pen PE II, the gas is oxygen and nitrogen.

The Verruca Pen PE II works on a verruca by disrupting the virus that hides in the skin. It will evaporate the skin cells around it. In turn this prompts an immune response from your body to fight the virus and clear the verrucae.

Plasma verrucae removal is not painful and is well tolerated by adults and children.

The Verruca Pen self-seals and will leave a brownish/black area. This will drop off in a week or so. Do not be tempted to pick it.

Your foot will generally feel much better after the Verruca Pen session. The hard skin around the verrucae will have been removed beforehand and there will therefore be less pressure on the verrucae. There is no residual discomfort afterwards. You can carry on with your life as normal.

You will need at least 2 sessions and probably more. It is difficult to say exactly how many you will need, as verrucae are notoriously difficult to treat. Most people need 3 or 4 sessions. Your practitioner will discuss all the options with you during your consultation so that you can decide if this is the right option for you.

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