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About Clinisept+ Podiatry
Clinisept+ Podiatry is the next generation in antimicrobial cleansing. A hypochlorous aqueous solution, Clinisept+ stands apart from traditional cleansers as it combines high levels of hygiene with complete skin and tissue compatibility. Suitable for use at any point before, during and after a procedure. In the clinic and for aftercare at home, it minimises the risk of contamination, promotes healing, and soothes irritation and soreness.

Clinisept+ Podiatry is a powerful but gentle cleansing solution. Hypoallergenic and without chlorhexidine, alcohol sulphates, preservatives, colourants or fragrances, Clinisept+ delivers deep and effective antimicrobial cleansing and protection, whilst being soothing and calming to irritated skin. The Cleansing Antimicrobial Footcare can be sprayed directly onto the skin, or applied via a clean gauze or pad. To be used as a soothing solution, a cotton pad may be soaked, applied to the sensitive area and left for 5 to 10 minutes.
The Science Behind Clinisept+
Clinisept+ Podiatry mobilises a unique process that converts sodium hypochlorite into more than 90% pure hypochlorous. This is the same chemistry that powers the human immune system – produced by our body’s white blood cells – it is proven to have many antimicrobial properties. The advanced hypochlorous technology used by Clinisept+ ensures unprecedented levels of effectiveness and safety, in comparison to traditional skin cleansers.

The hypochlorous chemistry used by Clinisept+ uses an oxidising action which is not cytotoxic (unlike many traditional skin cleansers). With this method, no harm is caused to the skin, even to regrowing cells.

Clinisept+’s powerful hypochlorous technology delivers:

Unparalleled antimicrobial protection
Effective deodorisation
Skin neutral pH levels
Non-toxic formula
Non-cytotoxic formula
Non-irritant formula
Hypo-allergenic formula
No residue or chemical burden left on skin
Suitability for diabetics