To sell or not to sell, that is the question. As an easily achievable stream of additional revenue, the answer should be yes.
Brenda Griffin – Only Footcare Managing Director
To sell or not to sell, that is the question. As an easily achievable stream of additional revenue, the answer should be yes.
Brenda Griffin – Only Footcare Managing Director
In most service industries, retailing to clients is integral to the success of the business. In a professional foot health care business, the same is true. If you work for X amount of hours a day and charge Y amount for your services then you have limited your income by how many hours you work. By making retail sales, you have an additional revenue stream and can increase your income substantially.
However, most podiatrists and foot healthcare practitioners shy away from selling anything to their clients. They often say that they don’t want to be seen as pushy or they lack the confidence to make a sale.
You could recommend a product to your client and ask them to buy it from the supermarket while they are doing their shopping or buy it from Amazon. But why should these huge retailers benefit from your knowledge and service? They make enough revenue without your help!
Flip your thinking on retail, a sale is just a product recommendation. You are simply suggesting a product to your client that will improve something for them, make life easier for them or prevent something from happening again. You are not selling them something they don’t need for the sake of making a sale. You are giving them the benefit of your professional product knowledge and sharing with them how best to use the product so that they get the most out of it. You might not be as cheap as an online mega retailer, but you are offering a personal service.
For example, if you have worked hard to get a client’s hard skin under control by debriding it in the clinic, then retailing a hard skin softening cream would be a sensible suggestion. Your client can continue to improve their skincare routine at home and on the next appointment you should see good results and they will be more comfortable.
Carrying a range of products to recommend to your clients is the way forward. But if you are wondering how to get started retailing to clients as a Foot Health Practitioner, don’t be intimidated. If you are in a clinic, it is easy to make a nice retail display. At Only Footcare we offer POS (Point of Sale) displays ready to go. Start with a few key products and let your confidence grow. Offers on retail product bundles to like this Podoexpert Retail Start Up Package, can help you get going with selling to clients alongside treatments.
If you are a visiting practitioner you can still carry a few items in your car or take orders. Samples should be used with caution, as some clients will repeatedly ask for samples and not buy anything. If you do give out samples, make sure you note it and follow up next time.
We offer product knowledge sessions on request for our Podoexpert and Dermatonics ranges on Zoom. Keep an eye on our socials, or get in touch to hear about upcoming sessions. If you understand the products you want to carry, their key ingredients, what they can do and how your clients can benefit from them, you will find them easy to recommend. Your clients, in turn, will appreciate your knowledge and advice.