Striding out on your own? It’s a daunting prospect. However, there may be an alternative option to get you up and running quickly and effectively.
Brenda Griffin – Only Footcare Managing Director
Striding out on your own? It’s a daunting prospect. However, there may be an alternative option to get you up and running quickly and effectively.
Brenda Griffin – Only Footcare Managing Director
As a Podiatrist, qualifying in the UK, you will almost certainly have worked in the NHS straight from graduating, gaining great experience in clinics and working the NHS way. However, there may come a time when you want to either reduce your hours so that you can start up on your own part-time or full-time. Working around your family, and other commitments and finding a good life balance are all more possible when you work for yourself.
You will no doubt be confident in your clinical skills, but having worked in the NHS you may find a private practice a whole different way of working.
But first, you need to start thinking about yourself as a foot health business owner!
You will need to get a business plan together and think about how you are going to run your business: our previous post discusses the costs of setting up a foot health care practice, which is an important factor to consider, as this could influence your initial approach.
But what about the actual day-to-day running of the foot health care business, diary management, advertising, social media, owning a website, taking bookings, the list goes on! All these important tasks have to be carried out alongside seeing patients and delivering treatments. All aspects of a business that were perhaps handled by someone else or another department, are now your direct responsibility.
It can be very daunting working this all out on your own, while still working elsewhere. Running a successful foot health care business requires a switch in your thinking.
Foot Health Care Franchising may be an option that you hadn’t considered, working with an experienced Foot Health Franchise company may well be the way forward for you. They will help by mentoring you, and marketing your business before you even get started so that you don’t have to start from scratch, you will have customers from day one.
They will also host a great website that potential patients can easily find and offer you relevant digital marketing and social media content to help you build your business locally. You still control pricing and costs, but they act as your back office and support. Healthy Feet Clinic is one such franchise company that works with local Podiatrists as well as FHPs and offers part-time and full-time opportunities.
A good franchise company will offer its franchisees access to ongoing CPD as part of their management fees. This will enhance your treatment offerings, and courses like Toeflex nail reconstruction and Onyfix nail correction would definitely be treatments that are likely to be requested in private practice, skills that, if you are coming straight from the NHS, you would be unlikely to have.
So if you like to work as part of a team, and are apprehensive about striding out alone, franchising is one avenue for you to research before you start your business.
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